Teacher Training Centre


The Teacher Training Centre of DHSK College has been initiated by GB- Resolution No- 14(o) Dt. 30/05/2024. It envisions to become a premier hub for educational excellence, where teachers are empowered with innovative skills, cutting – edge knowledge and a passion for lifelong learning. It aims to transform educators into dynamic leaders who inspire students, nurture critical thinking, and foster an inclusive and compassionate learning environment. It also emphasizes:
1) Excellence in Pedagogy
2) Innovative Learning Environment
3) Professional Growth
4) Community Engagement
5) Inclusive Education
Co – Ordinator – Dr. Monisha Deka Contact No-8011663407
Asst. Co- Ordinator – Pritisha Das Contact No- 9101059011


INTRODUCTION: The Teacher Training Centre at DHSK College aims to enhance the teaching competencies of educators by providing structured and continuous professional development programs. Teacher Training is a significant investment in the education system. By equipping teachers with the knowledge, skills and tools they require. It can empower teachers to become agents of social change by promoting values such as equality, diversity, democracy, human rights etc among their students.

This policy outlines the objectives, strategies and operational guidelines for the centre.


  1. To equip teachers with modern pedagogical skills and knowledge.
  2. To promote the integration of technology in education.
  3. To foster a culture of continuous learning and professional growth.
  4. To ensure that teachers meet the educational standards and requirements of DHSK college.
  5. To identify the training needs at different levels of career and for different categories of teachers.
  6. Improve the quality of training through suitable resource persons and resource material.

SCOPE: This policy applies to all faculty members from primary to higher level, including newly appointed teachers and experienced educators seeking to update their skills.


INDUCTION TRAINING: Mandatory for all newly appointed faculty members which will help them to adjust in the higher education institutions and understand their roles and responsibilities

CONTINUOS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Regular workshops, seminars, and courses on various teaching methodologies, curriculum development, and educational technology.

SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Subject- specific training programs to enhance domain knowledge and teaching effectiveness in particular disciplines.

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: Training on the use of digital tools and resources for enhancing the learning experience.


ANNUAL TRAINING CALENDAR: The Centre will develop and publish an annual training calendar at the beginning of each academic year, outlining the programs scheduled for the year.

COLLABORATION: The centre will collaborate with external experts, educational institutions and organizations to bring in diverse perspectives and expertise.

ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK: Regular assessments will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs. Feedback from participants will be used to improve future programs.

RESOURCE ALLOCATION: The College will allocate sufficient resources, including financial, technological and human resources to support the centres activities,


Participation: All faculty members are expected to participate actively in the training programs.

Application of Learning: Teachers are encouraged to apply the skills and knowledge gained from the training in their classrooms.

Mentoring: Experienced faculty members may be assigned as mentors to guide new teachers through the induction process.

 MONITORING AND EVALUATION: The Centre will establish a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework to track the progress of training programs and their impact on teaching quality. Annual reports will be prepared to document achievements, challenges, and recommendations for improvement.

POLICY REVIEW: This policy will be reviewed from time to time or as required to ensure it remains relevant and effective in achieving its objectives.

 CONCLUSION: The Teacher Training Centre at DHSK College is committed to fostering a culture of excellence in teaching through continuous professional development. This policy serves as a guideline to ensure the Centres operations align with the colleges broader educational goals. An effective teacher training programme is crucial for fostering educational excellence and ensuring that educators are well – equipped to meet the diverse needs of their students. By providing comprehensive training that includes pedagogical strategies, classroom management and professional development, these programmes empower teachers to enhance their teaching practices and contribute positively to student outcomes.                 

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